This is Us… About Jesus!
The same contingent of faithful Christians which has long held that the Father is the only true God, has also believed that Jesus is the Messiah – the Christ of God (John 17:3). To those Christians, Jesus is the only perfect man. He was sinless but gave himself for our sins (1 Peter 2:21-24). God raised him from the dead, took him up into heaven and seated him at his own right hand (Ephesians 1:20). He now waits until the time of his return when he will establish his kingdom upon the earth (1 Thess. 1:10). God has made Jesus to be a Prince and a Savior, Lord and Christ to us all (Acts 5:31 and Acts 2:36).
Jesus was/is the unique human son of God. By a miracle of the spirit of God, he was born of a virgin. Because of that, God is literally this man’s Father, and this man is literally God’s only begotten human son (Luke 1:35).
Seated at the right hand of God, Jesus is now our mediator with God. The Apostle Paul writes:
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men – the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).
So, let us love and serve Jesus for who he said he was – not God – but the Son of God – the one of us whom God has made Lord to all of us – forever!
Is Jesus God If He Has a God?
Most Christians believe Jesus is God because that is what the institutional church has taught. And it has asserted that if anyone does not believe Jesus is God, that person is not a genuine Christian. But the Bible never supports this assertion.
For example, the Bible states repeatedly that Jesus had a God, he prayed to his God, and he worshiped his God. Since the Bible constantly proclaims that there is numerically only one God, Jesus having a God is prime evidence that he was not God. [Read More]
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