About Kermit Zarley

Kermit Zarley is a Christian author and researcher. His published books include “The Gospel”. “The Gospels Interwoven,” “Palestine is Coming,” and “The Third Day Bible Code.” Some years ago, Zarley became troubled about the Doctrine of the Trinity and the idea that Jesus is God, because of the lack of those teachings in the Bible. He writes that "this consternation about Jesus’ identity rose within me solely because of my lifelong study of the Bible.” Following that, Kermit made an extensive study of the scriptures on the subject. He also estimates that he has read about 1000 volumes regarding the identity of Jesus Christ. His quest led to the writing of his landmark book, “The Restitution of Jesus Christ” which was published in 2008. 21st Century Reformation is honored to have Kermit Zarley as a contributor and friend. For more on Kermit Zarley go to -Kermit Zarley & Servetus the Evangelical
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