About the Author: Carey Clark

As missionaries for the United Pentecostal Church, International (UPCI) Brother W. C. Clark and his wife, Jenny Clark, spent extended years in Europe. They preached the Jesus Name Apostolic message in Spain, France, Germany and Austria. It was in Europe, however, that they began to realize that their “Oneness” understanding of God was scripturally lacking. They grasped that while the Apostolic Jesus Name message of the Bible is true, that the “Oneness” doctrine itself does not embrace the biblical clarity between God and Jesus found in the Book of Acts. And, that the Oneness Doctrine fails to honor the son of God in the same way in which he was honored in the Bible.
From that time, Carey and Jenny Clark joined the growing number of Trinitarian and Oneness adherents who are understanding that “both” views are not biblical. The Clarks now hold to Apostolic teachings, but with absolute monotheism: That the Father is the only one in the universe who is truly God, and that Jesus is not God, but is God’s virgin born son, God’s Messiah (John 17:3). Jenny & Carey Clark Biography Jenny & Carey live near Nashville, Tn, where they attend Higher Ground Church.