Focus on Carey and Jenny Clark
From Trinity to Oneness to One!

Thousands around the world have known Carey and Jenny Clark as selfless devoted servants of God. They have given their lives in service of people and the gospel of Jesus Christ. After graduating from Bob Jones University, as a young married couple they followed the calling of God to missions in Mexico and South America. There, they lived their lives, raised their 5 children and preached the word to people far and wide. Later, they would spend over two decades ministering in Spain, France, Germany and Austria.
A Faith-Journey in God’s Word
Carey and Jenny’s faith-journey in understanding God’s word was as extraordinary as their travels to the nations. It was in Mexico, after years of not believing in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that Carey and Jenny prayed for and received baptism in the spirit. Likewise, being raised as the son of a Baptist minister, Carey began his life and work in the mission fields as a Trinitarian. However, he became troubled by the contradictions and non-biblical nature of the traditional church Doctrine of the Trinity. In time, the Clarks made their way from the view that God is three different ones to Oneness Pentecostalism. There they left the confusion of the Doctrine of the Trinity and discovered water baptism in the mighty name of Jesus!
It was as missionaries for the United Pentecostal Church, that their work for God extended to Europe where they spent years ministering in Spain, France, Germany and Austria. It was there, however, that they began to realize that the understanding of God called “Oneness” was also lacking. It does not embrace the biblical clarity between God and Jesus and fails to honor the son of God as he was honored in the Bible.
It was while in Europe that their faith-journey was made complete. God opened their understanding and they came to the One God faith that they hold today. They came to realize, with a growing number of other Trinitarian and Oneness believers, that both views are not biblical. They now understand that the Father is the only one in the universe who is truly God and that Jesus is not God, but is God’s son, the Messiah. As Jesus himself declared:
This is eternal life, that they would know you Father, the only true God and Jesus Messiah whom you have sent (John 17:3).
Carey and Jenny’s love for God and people has spanned many countries over much of their lifetimes. And, their love for the truth of God’s word has prevailed in their lives and spanned over those same years.

It is the honor of 21st Century Reformation to bring our viewers Carey Clark’s writings and teachings. In them, Carey talks about their journey with God and the beauty and power of what they now firmly believe is the truth about the One God and his son Jesus. Carey also speaks and writes about repentance, water baptism in Jesus name and receiving the baptism of the holy ghost. Do take time to enjoy the wisdom and wonderful love of these two extraordinary people of God!
Carey and Jenny Clark now make their home in Springfield, Tennessee. They attend Higher Ground Church just north of Nashville where they share their faith with other One God believers. (
You May Contact the Clarks at [email protected]