This unique, chapter by chapter – verse by verse Bible learning series allows believers of all backgrounds to take non-technical, easy to understand excursions into the extraordinary writings of Paul, “the Apostle to the Gentiles,” and also through the Book of Hebrews. Led by two of our favorite Bible teachers, J. Dan Gill and Sir Anthony Buzzard, each video allows the authenticity of every chapter to shine through while also bringing to light its meaning to us as Jews and Gentiles living in the 21st Century.
Whether you are new to Bible study or are an experienced Bible reader, you will benefit from this series. These engaging Bible Studies are intended for individual watching or watching as a couple, with family and friends, or as Bible study groups and classes. The “Letters of Paul and the Book of Hebrews Bible Learning Series” will rejuvenate, invigorate, and strengthen your faith as you walk through these wonderful writings.