Join Us In A 21st Century Reformation


Honoring God Our Father As The Only True God

And Jesus As Messiah And Lord

Join Us In A

21st Century Reformation

Honoring God Our Father
As The Only True God
And Jesus as Messiah and Lord


One God Over All, The Father Alone


The Father Alone

Who is God – Truly? We believe that only one individual in the Universe has ever been or ever will be God Almighty. That individual is the Father Himself! (Psalm 86:10). After the Bible was written, Gentile Christians began worshipping a Trinity of “Persons” as “one” God. However, God’s true prophets and people of old steadfastly worshipped only one as God – YHWH! (Isa. 37:16, Deut. 6:4). Join us in rediscovering the God of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David and all of the prophets. Join us in learning about the God of Jesus and of his earliest followers (John 20:17, Mark 12:28-30).  EXPLORE

Jesus the Messiah, One of Us, For All of Us


Obscured by Theology but Open to Humanity in God’s Word

Who is Jesus – Really? Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the Son of God – not God (Matt. 16:16-17). He never claimed to be part of a Trinity.  Jesus professed that his Father is “the only true God” and that he, Jesus, is the Christ, God’s Messiah (John 17:3). Born of a virgin, God gave this man power to live a sinless life. He then died for our sins (1 Peter 2:21-24). By that same power, God raised him from the dead, took him up into heaven and seated him at his right hand (Mark 16:19). Learn with us of the true Jesus – the Jesus who is the Way to God (John 14:6).  EXPLORE

The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of the Father


The Spirit of the Father

Is the Spirit of God another “God-Person” to be prayed to and worshipped in addition to the Father? To Jesus, God’s Spirit is the Spirit of the Father (Matt. 10:20). It is the Father, himself, touching his people and moving by his own mighty power. Gentile Christians, after the Bible was written, began praying to and worshipping God’s Spirit as another “Person.” But Jesus always prayed to the Father and taught that our prayers should be directed to him (Matt. 6:9). Jesus taught that people must worship “in” spirit and “in” truth – but true worship is “to” the Father (John 4:23). Join us in learning about the wonder and glory of God’s Holy Spirit. EXPLORE

One God Over All, The Father Alone


The Father Alone

Who is God – Truly? We believe that only one individual in the Universe has ever been or ever will be God Almighty. That individual is the Father Himself! (Psalm 86:10). After the Bible was written, Gentile Christians began worshipping a Trinity of “Persons” as “one” God. However, God’s true prophets and people of old steadfastly worshipped only one as God – YHWH! (Isa. 37:16, Deut. 6:4). Join us in rediscovering the God of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David and all of the prophets. Join us in learning about the God of Jesus and of his earliest followers (John 20:17, Mark 12:28-30).  EXPLORE

Jesus the Messiah, One of Us, For All of Us


Obscured by Theology but Open to Humanity in God’s Word

Who is Jesus – Really? Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the Son of God – not God (Matt. 16:16-17). He never claimed to be part of a Trinity.  Jesus professed that his Father is “the only true God” and that he, Jesus, is the Christ, God’s Messiah (John 17:3). Born of a virgin, God gave this man power to live a sinless life. He then died for our sins (1 Peter 2:21-24). By that same power, God raised him from the dead, took him up into heaven and seated him at his right hand (Mark 16:19). Learn with us of the true Jesus – the Jesus who is the Way to God (John 14:6).  EXPLORE

The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of the Father


The Spirit of the Father

Is the Spirit of God another “God-Person” to be prayed to and worshipped in addition to the Father? To Jesus, God’s Spirit is the Spirit of the Father (Matt. 10:20). It is the Father, himself, touching his people and moving by his own mighty power. Gentile Christians, after the Bible was written, began praying to and worshipping God’s Spirit as another “Person.” But Jesus always prayed to the Father and taught that our prayers should be directed to him (Matt. 6:9). Jesus taught that people must worship “in” spirit and “in” truth – but true worship is “to” the Father (John 4:23). Join us in learning about the wonder and glory of God’s Holy Spirit. EXPLORE

One God Over All, The Father Alone


The Father Alone

Who is God – Truly? We believe that only one individual in the Universe has ever been or ever will be God Almighty. That individual is the Father Himself! (Psalm 86:10). After the Bible was written, Gentile Christians began worshipping a Trinity of “Persons” as “one” God. However, God’s true prophets and people of old steadfastly worshipped only one as God – YHWH! (Isa. 37:16, Deut. 6:4). Join us in rediscovering the God of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David and all of the prophets. Join us in learning about the God of Jesus and of his earliest followers (John 20:17, Mark 12:28-30).  EXPLORE

Jesus the Messiah, One of Us, For All of Us


Obscured by Theology but Open to Humanity in God’s Word

Who is Jesus – Really? Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the Son of God – not God (Matt. 16:16-17). He never claimed to be part of a Trinity.  Jesus professed that his Father is “the only true God” and that he, Jesus, is the Christ, God’s Messiah (John 17:3). Born of a virgin, God gave this man power to live a sinless life. He then died for our sins (1 Peter 2:21-24). By that same power, God raised him from the dead, took him up into heaven and seated him at his right hand (Mark 16:19). Learn with us of the true Jesus – the Jesus who is the Way to God (John 14:6).  EXPLORE

The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of the Father


The Spirit of the Father

Is the Spirit of God another “God-Person” to be prayed to and worshipped in addition to the Father? To Jesus, God’s Spirit is the Spirit of the Father (Matt. 10:20). It is the Father, himself, touching his people and moving by his own mighty power. Gentile Christians, after the Bible was written, began praying to and worshipping God’s Spirit as another “Person.” But Jesus always prayed to the Father and taught that our prayers should be directed to him (Matt. 6:9). Jesus taught that people must worship “in” spirit and “in” truth – but true worship is “to” the Father (John 4:23). Join us in learning about the wonder and glory of God’s Holy Spirit. EXPLORE

Other Views of God…

The Doctrine of the Trinity

The Doctrine of The Trinity

Exploring Problems with the Trinity

Millions of wonderful people of faith have – often without serious consideration – vested their confidence in the post-biblical concept that three different “Persons” compose the one God. Those Christians have often not considered that God’s prophets and people of old held that only one individual is God – the Father himself (Isaiah 64:4, 8). And, they often have not realized that our Lord Jesus declared that his Father is the only one who is truly God and that he (Jesus) is the Christ (John 17:3).  EXPLORE

Oneness Pentecostal

Oneness Pentecostalism

Have You Ever Wondered About Oneness?

On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:22, Peter declared – not that Jesus was the God of the Jews come down to them – but rather that he was “Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as you yourselves also know.” Likewise, when Peter concludes his message in Acts 2:36, he does not say that Jesus was their God, but rather that he was the one whom God has “made Lord and Christ.”  EXPLORE




The Kingdom of God – Our Inheritance

21st Century Reformation
The kingdom of God is our future – our eternal inheritance as his children. Created out of his love for us, it is the final and never-ending chapter in God’s plans for humanity (Matt. 25:34). Christ, as God’s human son, will be given the entire earth as his everlasting inheritance (Psalm 2:7-8). Those who are the people of Christ, are his co-heirs (Rom. 8:17). They will inherit the earth with him (Psalm 37:29, Matt. 5:5). EXPLORE

Two Great Covenants – Beyond Moses to The Messiah

21st Century Reformation
Enjoy the Two Great Covenants with us! Learn more about the wisdom, purposes and glory which came by Moses’ covenant and his law. However, also journey with us “Beyond Moses” and find the exceedingly greater glory in God’s eternal covenant which brings unending life in the age to come. It is that covenant which he opens to all of humanity – through his Messiah. EXPLORE

Victorious Christian Living Through Jesus Christ

21st Century Reformation
Jesus taught that loving our fellows is crucial to keeping his word. He tells his followers that they must love one another and it is on that ground that people would know they are his disciples (John 13:35). He presses the matter further by saying that they must love one another as he has loved them (John 13:34). He takes the issue of loving our fellows to perhaps its most challenging level by teaching his followers that they must love even their enemies (Mat. 5:44). EXPLORE


Rediscover the Books of Paul and The Book of Hebrews

Join Anthony Buzzard & J. Dan Gill

21st Century Reformation

Whether you are new to Bible study or are an experienced Bible reader, you will benefit from this series. These commentaries are intended for individual watching or watching as a couple, with family and friends, or as Bible study groups and classes. The “Letters of Paul and the Book of Hebrews Commentary Series” will rejuvenate, invigorate, and strengthen your faith as you walk through these wonderful writings.  EXPLORE

Verses & Words Explained

Got Questions? Strengthen your faith through a better understanding of God’s word. Watch video discussions by some of our favorite “One God” Bible teachers on a variety of verses and words that you may have had questions about. EXPLORE

Focus on John Chapter 1

There has always been, and continues to be, faithful Christians who believe that God’s word is not a Person in addition to the Father, but rather the Father’s own spoken word by which he created all things in the beginning.  EXPLORE

Focus on Preexistence of Christ

21st Century Reformation
There have been those faithful Christians who have refused to follow the Gentile confusion of a literally preexistent Christ. They have remained faithful to Jesus as the true human son of God – born of a virgin by a miracle in his mother Mary.  EXPLORE

The Word of God – God’s Perspective

21st Century Reformation
Jesus taught that God’s word is spectacularly important. He relied on it to overcome temptation in the wilderness (Mat. 4:3-11). He made “continuing in his word” an indicator of true discipleship (John 8:31).  EXPLORE


21st Century Reformation YouTube Channel is dedicated to the Father himself as the only one who is truly God, and to Jesus, not as God, but as the Messiah – the Christ of God (John 17:3). In doing this, 21st CR brings together some of the best in videos by people from around the world who believe that God is truly one.


Listen Pentecostals!

J. Dan Gill

Are Oneness and Trinitarian Pentecostals preaching the same message regarding Jesus that Peter preached in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost? Peter declared, “HEAR these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him” (Acts 2:22). Will modern day Pentecostals really hear Peter’s message?

Five Major Problems with the Trinity

Sean Finnegan

Sean Finnegan “does it again” with this good analysis and careful refutation of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Sean gives a balanced consideration of the issues and reviews key problems related to this doctrine of post biblical orthodoxy.

Debate – Dr. Dale Tuggy vs. Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Dale Tuggy (Biblical Unitarian) and Dr. Michael Brown (Trinitarian) debate the subject “Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone?” Dale Tuggy defends that there is only one who is the eternal God – the Father himself. Michael Brown proposes that there are three who are one God. Watch the debate and judge for yourself.

I Was Wrong – Jesus Isn’t the Father

Joel Hemphill

Joel Hemphill addresses a conference of ministers from a variety of church backgrounds at Winnsboro, LA. Joel talks about the concepts of the “Oneness” and the “Trinity.” He tells the ministers there — “I was wrong for 50 years on these matters — I had to change.”


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